Wednesday, September 19, 2007

... did I ever mention how I love the gym?

"You forgot the weights!" he said, as he laughed. I took out my ear buds and had directed my attention to him, slightly annoyed, "what?" "you forgot the weights!" he said, and laughed again.

--I was sitting on the slanted bench at the gym warming up for my alternate bicep curls. I'd realized that he had a good sense of humour and decided to reply to him, but at the same time I was trying to be polite (because those who know me know I hate talking to people at the gym) I replied half laughing, "no, I didn't forget them -- I'm warming up, takes a lot of concentration you know." "oh" he said, "I thought may be you forgot the weights and you needed to be reminded" -- and he had a laugh.

I didn't think much of him. In fact, I didn't think anything of him. As soon as the conversation was done my mind went back to what I was doing and that was it.

The next day when I walked into the gym there he was on the chest press machine, right in path to the change room. Due to some maintenance at the gym the change rooms were swapped around -- with huge signs posted everywhere so that even the blind could see. I was just about to mount the steps up to the newly designated change rooms and as I was about to pass him by he said, "the change rooms are different today you know." -- "oh yeah, thanks" was all I had replied -- wanting to get past him in my haste.

He continued to occupy me with small talk as I stood there, surely wearing one of those looks on my face that you all know so well when I'm really just disinterested. He asked me a few questions, but the only one I can really remember today is, "are you Irish?" -- "No" was all I said with no elaboration and with that I walked off into the change rooms. I didn't even bother to ask him where he was from -- but he was clearly not from the UK.

I went along with my usual gym routine not even remembering the conversation or his presence. At the end of my usual work out I'm often running on the treadmill, that day was no different -- there I was, red faced, sweaty, and out of breathe when this guy walked past and had somehow taken all of my attention. I watched as he passed by, until he was out of sight and as he had walked right in front of me he smiled as he passed. I marveled at his good looks and immense sense of style -- then it had dawned on me, it was him. I'd been so caught up in my own work out routine and stubborness that I don't even think I'd taken the time to make eye contact with this guy as he has spoken to me...

All I remembered of him was his green jacket, his orange adidas gym bag, and his diesel belt -- how terrible I thought that I didn't even give this guy the time of day.

It was a Friday when he walked out of the gym and I couldn't wait until Monday when I went back to see him again so this time I could at the very least find out his name.

The world is cruel -- really, it can be. I went to the gym everyday as I usually do hoping to see him again. I had changed my own gym times trying to catch him at different parts of the day -- but truly, I didn't know who he was, because I didn't ever really look at him. I found myself smiling at and looking happy to every Joe blow who resembled him hoping that it was him but to no avail. All week I went to the gym hoping to see him and nothing. I was so disappointed and angry with myself.

Because this gym is in the bottom of a huge hotel in Liverpool I thought, alright, he was just a guest and now he's gone. I figured it was for the best that I hadn't spoken to him.

The following Monday I went back to the gym as usual. I had, in fact, dragged myself there. It was a long week end, filled with lots of drinking, working, and going out -- Monday was, to say the very least, painful.

In the middle of my work out just as I had hopped on the treadmill I'd glanced to my right and there he was, running only 2 treadmills down. I couldn't believe it. So this time I had decided that I wouldn't let him get away from me.

It was one of those days where you wish you were buried deep into a feather duvet sunk into the couch in the livingroom watching movies -- it was one of those days where you feel like you are just not meant to be seen in public -- yet I was at the gym and there he was. I'd gathered up all of my confidence -- I have no idea where it came from. In my procrastination I went out to fill my water bottle telling myself to just do it -- just go.

So, with all of my inhibitions aside I walked straight into the gym and directly up to him. I, quite bluntly said, "...and where have you been? Haven't seen you around all week, thought you quit." -- I had no idea where these words were coming from. "ahh, " he replied, "I've been away for the week with some friends on holiday, that's why I haven't been to the gym." Suddenly a feeling of relieve came over me. I don't even remember what I'd said to him after that -- some kind of small talk. I told him that I'd be in the Sauna after my work out -- and low and behold -- there he was after his.

I had no idea what to say, do, or even how to act. For those of you who've been swimming with me in our teenaged days -- you'll remember this -- I've still been wearing that bright yellow Nike swimsuit. (Yikes, I know, I know...) So.. we sat around in the Sauna for a while -- both kind at a loss for words. I was tired of sitting there so I told him I was going for something to eat. "Do you want me to go with you" he asked quite forwardly, to which I replied with some kind of assumed confidence, "yeah sure, I'll meet you at the front desk."

It was like one of those sitcoms where you walk away from the person and repeat what you'd just said out loud and wonder what the hell you're doing -- I literally had done that. In a haste I showered and tried to be out there first. I was -- and then we were off. I brought him to my favorite cafe -- a vegetarian/vegan soup place (the bridgehead of Liverpool for me). And we had soup. We sat there -- and he was very quite, but had made me laugh.

It was a strange situation -- but at the same time, somehow it was normal like it had happened so many times before. When we were to leave it turned out that we had both lived in the same direction -- so we walked together. We walked just to the corner of the hostel -- he went straight and I turned right. It was slightly akeward then -- cause, really -- what'da ya do? "Can I call you?" he asked. "Yeah -- I've already put my number in your phone." ... "really?" he said, "you're fast." So I showed him what I'd put it under and then he gave me his -- and that was 3 months ago.

I know, I know -- I can hear you Angie -- 3 months ago? And you're only telling me this now? Well, relationships for me are similar to a pregnancy-- it's not something you want to talk about too prematurely in case there are some complications.

He's been amazing -- I'm not one to gush about relationships, but I'll make the exception. He was there for me when I moved out of the hostel -- boy was he ever. He consoled me when I was upset about making a bad decision for moving into a house with these guys -- he took me in most nights when there was no electric & gas... he did everything that he possibly could for me to make my life that much more comfortable without any question -- He supported me when I needed to be supported the most -- and truly, I've never had that in a relationship before.

We've been nearly inseparable. We get along like we've known one another for years -- it's not that sickening kind of couple that agrees on everything -- rather things just seem to fall into place. It's easy to be in one anothers company, and that's something I've yearned for.

It's strange to have met someone -- after being alone for so long (for almost 4 years), it's nice, but slightly strange to have someone included in my life. I've become so accustomed to being alone, travelling alone, and being independent that having someone along side of me had taken some adjusting, but it really wasn't that hard to do.

He's 29, is rather settled here, but nothing permenant. He's got his own house, runs 2 businesses, etc. he loves to travel, (yeah!) and holds liberal views and is very open minded -- he's down to earth, and loves, absolutely loves to laugh. It reminds me not to be so serious and intense all of the time. I think we compliment one another well -- and thing have being going great.

Anyhow -- I thought I'd publish a much happier post after my last one -- damn those weirdos! Pathalogical liars, neurotic clean freaks ... argh! But -- if that's what I needed to do to get where I am now -- I'll tell you, in hindsight, it was all worth while. ; )


Chahula said...

Great, now you're never coming home... Uh, I mean... Wow! how lovely for you! When do we get to see pictures? I'm interested in this green jacket/orange bag combo.

Shelley said...

Well, I never seen that one am very happy for you Claire or should I say Margaret? I am glad everything is going so well..I am proud of you!! Take care!!

Angie Parker said... a new bathing suit!!!!!!!!!!

love you