I find myself sitting in Liverpool and enjoyng my life -- at the same time I get to read all of your blogs and to hear about how you're enjoying your lives. Pregnancies, New babies, Houses, Boyfriends, Husbands, Anniversaries, Careers.... in a word, wow. It's the blogs that remind me that at one point or another we've become adults. Scary huh?
First of all, Arrah -- I am so happy for you. I can't believe that you're going to be a mom!! That's great news. Thanks for the birthday wishes -- my mind was with you and Wes, as I can never forget your wedding anniversary.
Myah -- sounds like you're going to have your hands full soon. Happy be-lated birthday by the way -- must be busy celebrating a double birthday on the 9th. Or perhaps, efficient! : )
And... Anyone know what's going on with Jill, Scott, & the twins? I love checking all of your blogs -- It's my favorite thing to do when I'm feeling home sick -- makes me feel like a part of your lives, so I really look forward to updates -- this coming from me who hasn't updated in ages. I plead no contest -- as I don't have my own laptop.
Angie -- Great to hear from you and to know that your lovin' Fort McMurrey - hope you can get your brother to smile. He doesn't look so happy in that photo on the blog post.
...Robin... love those comments, keep 'em coming, and I'll keep the Johnny Irish stories comin'.
As for myself -- life is good. I haven't picked up an English accent yet, but there are differences in the language -- There's English, and there's English -- Aubergines for Egg Plant, and Courgettes for Zucchini??! Hmm... I've got some of the slang down which is funny really... I can't help but laugh.
I am, slightly homesick, but I think it's becasue I've taken a week off of work and have had way too much time to think -- but did do something interesting, I'll save that for an other post -- oh what a birthday. Apart from that -- I get my weekly dose of my most FAVORITE CBC program every Saturday night -- Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap. Absolutely love it. And the program preceeding it -- The Debaters. The latter is particularily important -- always full of Canadian Jokes and it reminds me where I'm from. I'm such a wiener -- I stay in on a Saturday night to catch these radio programs at 11:30pm - 2:00 am each week.
Anyway -- all is well. Looking forward to getting back to my life, work, gym, and everything in between. Miss you all and am always wondering what you're doing in your lives.

Hi Claire...facebook has totally taken over. It's so much easier then blogging, and easy is what I need right now!! The girls are 14 weeks today and doing very well, they have started to sleep throught the night usually from 7ish to 7ish. Scott and I have gotten engaged...I know, I know we might be rushing things, but we think it's for the best. I, along with everyone else I'm sure, love to read your blogs. I'm so glad all is turning in a good direction. I'm such a wuss, I don't know how you do it. You are a very strong girl... have lots of fun. Jill, Scott, Mallory & Georgia.
P.S. Join facebook, trust me it won't take long and you'll be "in the know".
Hey...don't you read my blog...I'm sad.. : ( lol I'm glad your doing well, love your updates, I can visualize what your doing, you're a great story teller...keep it up! I want to visit England within the next few yers, we'll have to make some plans to catch up...hopefully you'll still be there! Love ya honey!
Glad to hear your doing soo well! Sounds like you've had some ups and downs, but that's like everyone. It only makes you stronger! So tell us more about this man!!! Post a pic or two!!
Keep the posts coming. I love reading them. I feel like we're there with you!
Take Care Claire!!
Hi Claire,
Sounds like life is good in Europe and I am glad your doing well.
Salutations from your friend at the Band Office.
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